Lemon zest and mascarpone stuffed into thick white bread slices, dipped in batter, pan fried, and smothered in fresh peach sauce. I love this recipe for breakfast but it could be fancy enough for dessert...
A delicious holiday breakfast. It's a wonderful spin on traditional french toast that measures up for any pumpkin pie lover. Serve warm with warmed maple syrup!
French toast topped with glazed strawberries and stuffed with cheesecake. Soooo good and original. Perfect to impress at a brunch. Serve with mimosas for a fancier brunch-type setting, or just make it...
My Bananas Foster French Toast Bake travels well after baking, plus it is great to serve on Christmas morning. It's simple to make, and most of the work is done the day before baking. Who doesn't love...
This does sound kind of crazy and to be honest, when I first tried it, I didn't think it would work, but oh, does it work well. It's one of the best French toasts I've ever had, especially with the spiced...
A twist on the traditional French toasts with a little vanilla custard, confectioners' sugar, and whipped cream topped with fruit. Excellent for tea parties.
This is something I just tinkered with until it came out to my liking. I tried it with jelly on the inside, but I couldn't taste it, so I just decided to leave the jelly out. The bananas still stay in...
Had this mixed berry French toast recently at a brunch and it is absolutely the best French toast I've ever had--perfect for a holiday breakfast or brunch.
French toast and bananas are a perfect pair. This recipe sounds more difficult than it is. Give it a try, you'll love it! Try garnishing the toast with strawberries, powdered sugar and maple syrup.
For when you want to splurge a little for breakfast. A sweet and easy treat. Try sprinkling confectioners' sugar over the rolls for a pretty look. Serve with whipped cream, syrup, or alone. Enjoy!
This decadent and rich French toast casserole is a big hit at my Christmas breakfast each year. It's a big recipe because I'm always serving a crowd but it's easily scaled down for smaller portions. The...
Serve warm with a dollop of orange marmalade on the top and a good cup of coffee. Even though orange marmalade isn't a particularly popular preserve in my area of the country, it really makes this special....
Try vegan French toast for dairy-free deliciousness! We use soy milk, but almond or other non-dairy milk might work. You could also add some nutritional yeast to the batter, if you like.
Blackberry jam amps up this French toast recipe that soaks bread overnight in a creamy egg mixture for a new breakfast or brunch go-to. Serve with maple syrup and whipped cream and use fresh strawberries,...
All the goodness of French Toast made without eggs. My husband came up with the recipe for our son, who is allergic to eggs and other foods. Serve with syrup and confectioners' sugar.
An elegant, yet easy breakfast or brunch item that is sure to impress. If you wish, a small pinch of nutmeg works well in this recipe. Just add it to the egg mixture.
Christmas festivities left us with a ton of panettone and in need of some new ways to eat it. My grandpa requested French toast, so here is a new holiday twist on a delicious breakfast classic. Feel free...
A French toast recipe without the milk for those who like a more solid French toast. My son's friends liked this recipe and would ask for the recipe to take home for their moms to make. Serve with butter...
This tastes like French toast with cherries and cream. Leftovers can be refrigerated and reheated in the microwave or toaster oven. I created this to clean out my fridge and cupboards, but it can be made...
Had this at brunch in upstate New York and fell in love from first bite. I had never heard of it before nor seen a recipe, so had to try and record myself! Since croissants are naturally buttery, there...
With just a few ingredients and little effort, this recipe makes a great summer breakfast. I created it while on holidays in Maui while making french toast for breakfast. I noticed the drink mix sitting...
This savory French toast recipe is a great breakfast or lunch. Served with ham and tomato chutney, these chive spiced baguette slices are fried until crispy and golden, and sure to be a hit.
A new version of French toast casserole. I had some left over cinnamon rolls that had become stale and still wanted to use them so I came up with this recipe and it was a huge hit at my Sunday brunch.
We think this is simply the best french toast ever! Light, fluffy, sweet, and delicious! Hope you enjoy it! Serve with fresh fruit and pure maple syrup.
There are many, fancy variations on this basic recipe. This recipe works with many types of bread - white, whole wheat, cinnamon-raisin, Italian or French. Serve hot with butter or margarine and maple...
These easy-to-make French toast sticks turn out great in an air fryer. Dry your bread out first so you don't end up having your bread fall apart during the soaking process. Serve with your favorite French...
Warm French toast topped with a cream cheese frosting. This is a reduced-fat version of what my sister serves for breakfast whenever they have company. It is incredible!
I didn't think the name coconut French toast did this justice, and while certainly not pie-like, the flavor profile was kind of close, and I was very pleased with the results. The staler your bread, the...
I thought of the recipe one morning and served it to my dad...let's just say he licked the plate clean! Serve with maple syrup, peanut butter, or honey...or all three!